We try to anticipate questions you might have about our programs and provide the answers here. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact us.

What is The Gate Youth Association?
The Gate is a network of people committed to creating a place for young people in this community. The Gate Youth Association is a 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation whose mission is to demonstrate Christ’s love to the youth of our community through academic, social, and spiritual activities. Our hope is to bring youth into a relationship with Christians who can share their faith. Our vision is a community where future generations experience, follow, and serve Christ.
What is The Gate Community Youth Center?
A safe place to be known as individuals, to be encouraged to grow and learn, and to encounter Christ’s love.
What ministries does The Gate offer?
During the school year, we are open Monday through Friday from 3:15-6:00pm for recreational programming. 6th through 12th graders are welcome.
We offer gym access, gaming of all kinds, crafting and cooking opportunities, plus snacks! Staff interact with students as they socialize, seek advice, play games, get homework help, use available computers, and hear short inspirational talks.
Middle school youth group is from 6-7:30pm on Tuesdays.
High school youth group is from 6-8pm on Thursdays.
High school lunch bible study on Thursdays.
All activities are free!
What is Tuesday Lunch?
Every Tuesday during the school year, community volunteers prepare a lunch of “teen comfort food” for 150 high school students and staff. Students walk across the street from Central High School, eat together, and hear a short inspirational talk. Tuesday Lunch has been in existence since 1989. It is funded through donations and a small fee charged to participants.
What does The Gate offer in the Summer?
From late June through Mid-August, The Gate offers summer clubs such as Automotive, Cooking & Baking, 3D Printing, Gym Games, Rock Climbing, Sewing, Arts & Crafts, and much more.
We are open Monday through Friday from 3:15-6pm for recreational activities.
Does The Gate have a dress code?
Yes. Any type of clothing, including hats of any sort with inappropriate language, violence, discriminatory in nature, pictures or designs that promote or depict alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigs, marijuana, or other drugs, and sexual innuendos are NOT welcomed. Those wearing clothing that reveals undergarments, or that do not provide appropriate coverage will be asked to change. If students refuse to change, they will be asked to leave for the day.
What is The Gate's Quiet Space?
The Gate's Quiet Space offers a place for students to do homework, get homework help, play board games, and other quiet activities away from the business of the Rec Center. This space will be located in the Church behind The Gate, Mondays through Thursdays from 3pm-6pm.